Welcome to our page if you wish to join you will find instructions below if you are a member and you are just checking out the page, welcome back. Please feel free to rifle through our stuff all images are not copywrighten so copy what you want. This clan was started to give all the people who could not join other clans because they could not beat or become an emp. But if you are an emp feel free to join. Some people e-mailed me and said that this was a bad Idea for a clan and that we would not survive long. But not everyone who joins is a low rank so if that is what is discourging from joining don't let it anymore.
Joining our clan is as easy as filling out a simple application. All you do is fill out the following application. Once you have filled out the form you just e-mail it to us at coldsteel2@hotmail.com we will look at each application carefully and will decide if you can enter. There are three things that could happen after we recieve your application one we will decline (not very likley if you sent a good application) and send you an e-mail informing you of this. Two we will enduct and you can start playing myth as a clan.Or three we will enduct after we ask you a simple opinion question, this is what any one below crossed swords will most likley have to answer doesn't really affect your chance because your pretty much in if we send you a question.